2012年10月31日 星期三

Email Exchange in the global village

Dear cadets,

    It's the bridge which conncet and build the social work in the global village.   The platform is provided you and all not only to enrich your language knowledge but also to promote the cross-cultural communication as well as competence between in the globalization and in the localization. Cheeer! 
1.  Activity in the Cross-cultural Exchange via E-mail
6th 10/15—10/20
Social Greeting
Dear ……               
 Introduce yourself such as: Name, Major, Interest, Hometown……
Your teacher (Joe Lauer) and my teacher (Delin Chiao) give us an assignment— “Cross-cultural exchange via emails”. I hope we can enrich our English and understand more cultural difference between Taiwan and Japan via emails.  So I sincerely hope we should keep touch with each other. 署名……..
Halloween Festival/
Taiwan: Ghost Festival
How does your country celebrate it? 
It’s global goods such as mask or trick games…  Does your country hold the similar activity? ….  In Taiwan….
Introduce the place to be suitable for the tourist: http://eng.taiwan.net.tw/m1.aspx?sNo=0002006
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u5lYj4xVGA Taiwan will touch your heart
Thanksgiving Day/
What’s difference between yours & mine—
Teacher’s day, Mother’s day….
So every day is worthy of thanksgiving day. “Live to be a present.”
Pilgrim William Brewster holds a Bible as the Pilgrims pray for a safe journey as they leave for America from Delft Haven, Holland, on July 22, 1620.
China has an ancient saying  "A drop of water shall be returned with a burst of spring. (Even if it was just a little help from others, you should return the favor with all you can when others are in need). So we  really should always keep in mind at any time.  Because this world is given to us, whether sad, good or bad, eventually we will find that they are actually a harvest. Frustrations make I learned perseverance; fail to let me know how to adhere to it ; wronged makes stronger; every fall, let me see their own shortcomings, and thus overcome the shortcomings of the life on the road with a new look forward with a grateful heart to feelings of life bestowed, no complaining, no injustice will have a forgiving heart and you will see them in all these things seems to be "unfortunate", the natural gift me how rare character.)
中國人有一句古老的話「滴水之恩,當湧泉相報」,描述的就是人知恩圖報的品質。 (人,的確應該時刻不忘感恩。因為這個世界賜予我們的無論是悲是喜,是好是壞,最終我們會發現其實都是一種收穫。坎坷會讓我學會堅忍;失敗讓我懂得了堅持;委屈會讓我更加堅強;一次的跌倒,都會讓我看到自己的不足,從而克服掉這些人生路上的缺點,帶著嶄新的面貌更好地前行。帶著一顆感恩的心去感受生活所賜予的一切,就沒有了埋怨,沒有了不平,就會有一顆寬容的心!就會看到在這種種看似「不幸」的事情當中,上天恩賜了我多少難得的品格)
Christmas Day
Why is so popular with the religion?
How do we spread out our kindness for the needs in deed?  One Day” reminds us to pass down your passionate like Jesus.
Happy New Year

Thought of your activity via exchange emails

2.    每次活動寄信同步要轉寄老師如圖
信封主旨:Taiwan-Japan Emails (1): Social Greeting
          Taiwan-Japan Emails (2) Halloween Festival
             Taiwan-Japan Emails (3) Tourism: The place I like to visit
              Taiwan-Japan Emails (4) Thanksgiving:  What is the day sp gratiful to you?
               Taiwan -Japan Emails (5) Christmas Day
                Taiwan-Japan Emails (6) Happy New Year
               Taiwan-Japan Emails (7) Conclusion
                Thought of your writing from the activity

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