2012年10月31日 星期三

Mediating Brain Power for All Students

1 則留言:

  1. (1) http://www.teacherstoolbox.co.uk/T_Teaching_Intelligence.html
    The Israeli educationalist Reuven Feuerstein developed a hugely successful course for learners with very low academic achievement. His students had very low IQs, and started his course with a mental age three years behind other learners. There was a ‘control group’ enabling Feuerstein to measure his students’ progress against the progress of students that were matched for ability but then taught in a more conventional way.

    At the end of their two year course Feuerstein’s Instrumental Enrichment students had shown modest gains in terms of increased IQ compared to the control group, though they showed a marked ability to transfer learning from one situation to another. Two years after the programme had ended, the students entered the Israeli army on compulsory service. On a test of general intelligence they were found to be average for the general population, though they had started Feuerstein’s programme three years behind! The control group had not shown this development.

    (2) http://www.ictaweb.org/details/FIE.pdf
    Feuerstein's Mediated Leanring Experience (MLE) and Instrumental Enrichment(IE)
